As some of you might have noticed in the FTF videos, we showed some pretty interesting stuff such as GLES/OpenVG, 720p/1080p video playback, different user interface, etc.
Now that FTF is over, we will gradually release these developments here on PowerDeveloper. We have to do this in a gradual way due to all the licensing issues involved.
As a start, here is a new image which can be installed on a SmartBook or a SmartTop:
Extract and dd to a 2GB SD card. Make sure you also have the latest UBoot from here:
The image contains the Dock desktop as seen in the video. The dock itself builds on the latest Cairo/Pixman and is GL accelerated. Metacity has been replaced by XFWM. Both aim at getting the most speed out of the system, trying to get the best user experience.
What is still missing:
- our new Xorg driver with Xv
- gstreamer with 720p/1080p video decoding ability
- Flash
- ...
We hope to be able to bring these to your desktop as soon as possible!
Update: the sudo password is: efika
Johan Dams, Genesi USA Inc.
Director, Software Engineering
Yep, I have a blog...