Pegasos ODW Project
Development system for Gentoo/PPC

in category Operating Systems
proposed by lu_zero on 30th September 2004 (accepted on 30th September 2004)
Project Summary
- porting/improving/testing multimedia applications
- testing the toolchain
- testing stable packages with the improved toolchain
- general development focused on altivec.

Project Blog Entries

  ffmpeg stuff
posted by lu_zero on 11th March 2006

I restarted hacking ffmpeg to have it better optimized on linux/ppc. I added a missing bit in h264 and workarounded the hadamard code since it builds fine with gcc-4.1 and w/out hand made reg allocation builds on gcc-3.4 too (thanks to Alan Curry for testing and benchmarking), hopefully encoding will take less time.

On other news I'm trying to get the snow wavelet codec bearable adding altivec optimization, so far vertical and horizontal compose are complete, now I have to hack my way through inner_add_yblock (and that one looks but annoying).
This work is based on the mmx/sse2 patch made by Robert and Oded, that's why it took just a day to be complete.

The next week I'll hopefully look at h264 again since looks like there is still room for improvements.
posted by lu_zero on 20th February 2006

I put lately some patches against eterm-cvs to add altivec improved tint code.

I hadn't the time to test the full integration ,but it passes all the testcases so it couldn't cause any subtle wreckage.

you may fetch them from

Hopefully I'll start playing with evas soon
  2004-2005 quick summary
posted by lu_zero on 20th February 2006

In almost sparse order:

- mplayer/ffmpeg gcc-fsf fixes for the altivec code

- gcc-3.x/4.x tests, fixups, workarounds

- stable testing of different web related packages (php for drupal and rails to name a couple)

- playground for testing some projects (K3d and blender to name two)

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