i.MX515 Project
Debian armhf hardfloat portin category Linux Distributions
proposed by markos on 31st October 2010 (accepted on 5th October 2010)
posted by markos on 19th November 2010
After some delays with some packages (boost, gcj, ruby, etc), which stalled the port, I managed to get some of those fixed. In fact, all those three were fixed and uploaded, which means ~300 packages are in the process of being unlocked for the autobuilders.
What's more, those packages are the last in the freevec.org repository. Once all of them are uploaded (ruby1.9 in the build queue at the time of writing, subversion and aptitude are next in line), the freevec.org repo will be obsoleted and the port can be self-contained in debian-ports.org!
This means that debootstrap can work out of the box without special tricks to use 2 repos (or use multistrap)!
I'm also half-done with debian-installer, I believe I'll have an image to test by the end of the month.
Stay tuned.