i.MX515 Project
Assisting Gentoo Linux ARM team

in category Linux Distributions
proposed by steev on 22nd March 2009 (accepted on 2nd July 2010)
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posted by steev on 13th April 2010

Sorry for the not entirely descriptive title.

Thanks to an enterprising user in the #gentoo-embedded IRC channel, we now have stage3 tarballs built with gcc 4.5.0 release candidate, using -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard - for most users, this means nothing, but for some, it means possibly squeezing out a tad bit more performance.

I'm currently in the process of getting Xorg up and running on the installation. At the moment, I actually have xorg-server 1.8.0 installed, though I do not have the IMX specific bits going.

Low hanging fruits:

gst-plugins-fsl - Errors during compilation, gstXinfo not defined.

licensing issues - just a matter of adding the Freescale EULA to license_groups in the overlay, as well as making sure the different bits are covered. I had a ticket open with their support that they covered some things. They are still checking on one. At the moment, the only file I can't technically host is going to be libz160-bin (they want a click-thru to the fsl_eula) - I'm asking them if requiring the user to specifically accept it is good enough or not.

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