i.MX515 Project
Assisting Gentoo Linux ARM teamin category Linux Distributions
proposed by steev on 22nd March 2009 (accepted on 2nd July 2010)
posted by steev on 13th April 2010
Sorry for the not entirely descriptive title.
Thanks to an enterprising user in the #gentoo-embedded IRC channel, we now have stage3 tarballs built with gcc 4.5.0 release candidate, using -mfpu=neon -mfloat-abi=hard - for most users, this means nothing, but for some, it means possibly squeezing out a tad bit more performance.
I'm currently in the process of getting Xorg up and running on the installation. At the moment, I actually have xorg-server 1.8.0 installed, though I do not have the IMX specific bits going.
Low hanging fruits:
gst-plugins-fsl - Errors during compilation, gstXinfo not defined.
licensing issues - just a matter of adding the Freescale EULA to license_groups in the overlay, as well as making sure the different bits are covered. I had a ticket open with their support that they covered some things. They are still checking on one. At the moment, the only file I can't technically host is going to be libz160-bin (they want a click-thru to the fsl_eula) - I'm asking them if requiring the user to specifically accept it is good enough or not.