As some might remember, we posted some power usage statistics of the EFIKA 5200B a few years back, e.g., here: here: and also here: to do the same for the Efika MX :-)
This is the first one:
This is for the board and screen - but no wireless. A quick calculation (P=UxI) tells us it consumes around 5.9 Watts.
This second picture:
shows the board + screen + wireless. Power consumption is around 6.5 Watts.
This last one:
shows the board with wireless, but without the screen, consuming barely 4 Watts.
And this brings us to an interesting fact: even though the clock speed of this little board is twice as high as the original Efika, power consumption is, for the bare board, about the same.
On the other hand however, as soon as we add a display, the power consumption is about half of that of an an original Efika with a graphics card (and no display, or wireless)!
In other words, this clearly shows some of the technological developments that have emerged in the past years, especially in the field of power efficiency.