Observe the temperature and humidity that is obtained from sensors connected the Efika such as SHT-11 (high precision humidity and temperature), DS1621 (temperature), DS1307 (real time clock), and MAX1236 (A/D converter) devices controlled by the Efika through the USB port. The Efika is powered by photovoltaic cells for portability.
I am using
libusb to control the I2C-Bus line, SDA and SCL. Controlling the I2C-Bus device is really simple and is able to get the various information though the almost same way.
The test server for the realtime observation, only temperature and humidity, is available at
http://earth.is.tokushima-u.ac.jp/rrd.cgiThese graphs on the server are automatically generated and updated every minute by the RRDtool that is famous for the network traffic monitoring.
I am now writing the technical report for a large technical conference in March 2008.