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Efika 5200B Project
Tutorial on using mobile phone as a modem for Efika

in category Other
proposed by c64days on 14th November 2006
Project Proposal
Starting from my Power Post in the Tutorial section called
\"Mobile as a modem for Peg
, i would follow your invite to write an extensive tutorial on how to make it possible on Efika, the final result would be made available as a white paper in PDF format. Care will be taken in pointing out common
problems and their solutions by trying the broadest array
of combinations between linux distros, mobile phones and connection methods. This solution will extend potential of Efika making it possible to use it with internet connection even where there is no phone line or DSL service available.

Previous experiences with Pegasos:
*I mantain

an italian FAQ on Morphos/Linux on Pegasos

* I\'ve ported so far =ppc-morphos]over 100 applications from Linux to Morphos

Personal profile: I own a mobile software consulting company
called Hanami Solutions
and i\'m a consultant for a german-based european linux/unix/bsd oriented job agency. So far i\'ve written articles for IT printed
magazines and have published commercially over 30 mobile games
worldwide winning international prizes.

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