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Efika 5200B Project
Porting and testing flamerobin/firebird on powerpc

in category Applications & Software
proposed by mariuz on 30th October 2006
Project Proposal
port flamerobin.org project on linux powerpc , test firebird database on the same platform (required by flamerobin project)

I intend to run the full set of Quality Assurance tests for just released firebird powerpc patches

Project Blog Entries

  Found an howto with ppc debian booting on qemu
posted by mariuz on 12th June 2007

I have just installed the new emulated debian on my machine (ubuntu gutsy gibbon x86-32 amd3000+ with 2G of ram)


it will help me in compiling flamerobin and firebird on it
ps: o also booted into an debian s390 :P
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