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Efika 5200B Project
Cereals processing machine controller

in category Hardware
proposed by acrux on 16th November 2006 (accepted on 6th December 2006)
Project Summary
We are planning to test if an EFIKA powered by GNU/Linux CRUX PPC as mainboard controller for a new and complex post-polishing cereals machine is a lowcost \'n high quality solution.
The EFIKA \'ll be the technological add-on core for those machines.

Project Blog Entries

  [CLOSED] the project is now powered by x86 machine
posted by acrux on 1st April 2008

we moved to industrial front panel pc based on Via Epia EN12000G.

No way to find Power Architecture machine with same features.

  we are ready to test it
posted by acrux on 10th November 2007

we are ready to test mechanical parts controlled by EFIKA with an high tuned CRUX PPC. Happy to know the EFIKA as it is now will continue to be produced (slightly modified, but how?) and re-introduced in the form of consumer products by THTF at CES 2008 (but how much?).

Btw, we are working to clean our file system to fit it in a 256MB or 128MB CompactFlash.
  looking for a new SoC
posted by acrux on 14th October 2007

We are going to realize a first complete prototype. In semptember we have finished mechanical parts project too and now we'll soon receive the machinery.

One high tuned CRUX PPC and all compiled necessary stuff in 1Gb Compact Flash.
Big problem to share with this project one of two machine provided by GENESI to the CRUX PPC Team.

btw, in the next month we cannot present the prototype with a retired and sold-out controller like EFIKA. We are looking for another modular and cheap (75,00 eypo was a really nice price) powerpc controller... maybe an amcc40x.
  a possible configuration
posted by acrux on 27th June 2007

EFIKA with 256MB DDR
PCI 90-degree rightside riser card
PCI USB2.0/OHCI-1394 card NEC chipset
IDE44-CF adaptor
  about the hw configuration..
posted by acrux on 20th January 2007

today.. is saturday! Yeah, i'm free...
I'm on the WWW looking for some hardware that it'll be possible to use for the project.
I need an active pci risercard, a pci video card, a pci usb2/firewire, a firewire cam, an ide/microdisk adaptor and a touchscreen.
  project startup delayed
posted by acrux on 19th January 2007

We are hardly working on CRUX PPC then there is no way, at this time, to use the only one EFIKA received for this my own project.

I'll update it as soon as possible.
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