Efika 5200B Project
Testing PPC Linuxin category Operating Systems
proposed by fman on 8th February 2006 (accepted on 10th February 2006)
posted by fman on 31st December 2006
From day one this system has been targeted as an embedded platform and from what I'm seeing it works fine provided the end user dosn't push the platform with memory hungry apps.
I intend to use the EFIKA to replace my ageing Pegasos 1, which is my sole internet facing server. Surprisingly my Peg1 has been running fine for over 2 years almost non stop (only during a power outage or two) hosting about 5 domains for web and mail traffic.
Any platform that replaces my peg1 will need to be able to perform the same functions, the good thing is that these apps don't push the CPU a great deal. (Apart from one, see below)
Currently the main applications/services would be
IMAP using SSL
Asterisk VoIP
While the Pegasos 1 was a very power conservative platform, I'm expecting to see some minor pay back from the efika in the use of space and watts :)
Here is the uptime counter from my pegasos 1.......I'm super impressed with even the pegasos 1 from a reliability point of view....although as we know it was not without its flaws
fprowse@linux-wlg-ppc:~$ uptime
09:52:11 up 311 days, 14:59, 2 users, load average: 0.00, 0.02, 0.00