Some days ago i got a nice pic16c745 microcontroller, a few chip sockets and a 6mhz oscillator i was missing from my USB stepper controller.
Soldered it, assembled, flashed a test firmware,board works ;).I still have to find some L293E chips that aren't available in the electronic shops i've visited.They keep telling me that i should pick the L293B, which is not what i need, nor what the board layout least will try to monitorize the motor movement with some LED's.
Flashed another program to the microcontroller, BAM! Power cut-down, 8Euro to the dust bin.
Now some good sould has sent me a nice donation to my paypal account that let me buy a nice pico-psu power supply and a compact flash ide adapter for my CF card.Thank you M.L!!
Some more photos uploaded