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Efika 5200B Project
Gentoo support and musicbox with ambient light

in category Other
proposed by Pylon on 6th February 2006 (accepted on 10th February 2006)
Project Summary
I have two projects in mind:

1) I want to create netboot-Images for this board, so that it could be installed or even run completely over network. I coordinate and produce the Gentoo/PPC release since 2005.0 (so, currently this is my third release). I have already good experience with Gentoo's catalyst for release-building, and it would be great to support the EFIKA-board.

2) Another project will be a combined music-jukebox with ambient-lights attached. With some friends I built an ambient light with LEDs controlled by an Atmega8 microprocessor. A general introduction is available at www.fnodlicht.de (unfortunately in German only). This light could receive and send signals via I2C. As the MPC5200B is capable of processing I2C, it might be possible to combine the lights with the EFIKA. The music-jukebox could be realised with musicplayer-daemon (www.musicpd.org). The daemon could be accessed with a lot of clients, even gamepads. Give more life into living-roomes! ;-)

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