Efika 5200B Project
UPS Controllerin category Hardware
proposed by DaBlitz on 18th February 2006 (accepted on 20th March 2006)
posted by DaBlitz on 20th April 2006
2 updates in a day, must be working overtime
after looking in the forums it looks like there will be a wait however there are a couple of VERY nice supprises, while many are happy to see a graghics card i am happy to see a FPGA included in the design, this should give me some nice IO that would eliminate the pic entirelly AND allow me to have an excellent switch mode design that i can update that also has CPU intervention due to the high speed bus (i am assuming it is hannging off the PCI bus) as the PIC was going to be a quick and dirty serial port or USB to serial port device
this definatly changes alot of things as most people on the fourmns have overlooked the fpga, i dont think many know what they are or relise that you can make a video card in the chip itself (http://www.fpga4fun.com/GraphicLCDpanel.html), TCP offloading, USB2.0 (http://www.opencores.org/browse.cgi/by_category) or a high speed encryption engine (http://openciphers.sourceforge.net/openciphers.php), suddenly this device has alot more grunt than mearly the CPU, it could even implement a basic hardware switch for ethernet given the right amount of IO (see bit banging an ethernet device on fpgas4fun
the posibilites are endless, and i do intend to make full use of the extra hardware