High Density Blade Project
Distributed Concurrent Memory Transaction Model

in category Operating Systems
proposed by avirtuos on 20th March 2006
Project Proposal
An educational aid for institutions of higher education. The idea originated at Stevens Institute of Technology where computer science majors must complete a course in Operating Systems. A key component of this course is memory management under Unix, Linux, and Windows. These high density, (relatively)low power blades would be used to model a development kit where students could further the idea of memory management into real world examples of their own eviction algorithms running concurrently on these blade systems. By using identical hardware configurations and build options, we are able to issolate the memory management and eviction techniques and relate them to preformance differances.

Any and all findings and resulting code would be open source. This is a student initiative project to hopefully add real world experience to an often missunderstood area of operating systems.

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