One can download the current installer snapshot from ... owerpc.iso
To create a bootable install kernel one can use the following command in /install/powerpc directory of the CD:
mkvmlinuz -o /tmp/ubuntu -a chrp -z -k vmlinux -i initrd.gz
and then use the resulting file
ubuntu to boot the system. For boot parameters take a hint from
yaboot.conf in the same directory.
A similar command can be used to create a boot kernel during installation. Just before rebooting the machine one can change to another virtual console (alt+F3), hit 'enter', and a command line is there. Chroot to the freshly installed system, change to the /boot directory and use the command from above:
chroot /target /bin/bash
cd /boot
mkvmlinuz -o ubuntu -a chrp -z -k vmlinux -i initrd.gz
Ubuntu still uses the old ATA driver on Pegasos, so one can boot it using:
boot hd:X boot/ubuntu root=/dev/hdaY
where Y=X+1 :)
Stay tuned, I'm working to also get EFIKA running...