The important question is, how many users are there?
It's not much use optimizing game engines nobody uses in games. For instance, a lot of people point out CrystalSpace as a great 3D game engine that could be optimized for this, that an the other, but can you name instantly one game that uses it? I will level the same thing at Ogre - it may be a really cool engine, but how many of these games using it (especially the commercial ones..) will actually download and run and take advantage of it?
I think, zero :)
http://www.ogre3d.org/index.php?set_alb ... _album.php
some look pretty commercial and very high quality to me...
Of course, noone will start buying PowerPC like crazy the moment Ogre3D is optimized, but it *will* make a point. And don't forget that we will probably make Cell optimizations as well, and that will indeed make a difference. I'll just mention that BulletPhysics (another Physics engine) already includes Cell optimizations.
Optimizing the underlying components would far better suit users - OpenGL (Mesa), OpenAL (after all audio tricks like 3D sound is all the same matrix math), XRender (well.. alpha blending is fun) and all the other basic system functionality on a system. After all, they are in far more use than maybe one noticable game running on maybe one game engine, not all people play games after all, but you can say these days everyone is using OpenGL.
You all keep mentioning Ogre, where it's only one of the choices mentioned. Blender for example is perhaps THE most popular FOSS renderer available and it doesn't even work properly on PowerPC (try to render sth complex and you will propably get a crash). Optimizing Blender -and fixing it in the process- will make PowerPC (G4/G5/Cell) a viable platform for rendering. Remember the High Density Blades? Here, you have a ready to run render farm that actually takes advantage of the hardware used. And you could actually sell it. My point is that 3D is very relevant right now. In any case, seeing that OpenGL is so much requested, I will at least look into it, if it's at all vectorizable and worth the effort.