Hi guys,
My first post to ppczone
I have a Gentoo PowerPC X-LiveDVD building. You'll be surprised, believe me
It has Games, some special OpenGL stuff ( you can start speculating now
) and some cool multimedia applications.
The SmartCards are working great. Integrates well with PAM authentication (so you can use a smartcard to log in), if you don't have a reader attached PAM drops to the regular password based authentication. The thing also integrates with LDAP. So basically if your company has an LDAP/Directory service up and running on the network, you'll be able to store your public certificate in LDAP instead of on the machine with the smartcard reader. This makes smartcard readers ideal for applications such as Internet Cafés etc.
I've also got some smaller X-LiveCDs building, mostly the same applications, just grouped and some things stripped out.
As usual uploading will take a while and it makes giving exact eta's difficult. The plan is to distribute it using bittorrent.
As boot-splash theme I was thinking about something metalic like
but I accept cool wallpapers, graphics etc. You can mail me links at
pvdabeel@gentoo.org . All feedback and input is appreciated.
Happy PPCing
Pieter Van den Abeele
Oh, and btw Matt. This website has brilliant graphics. Have you got some stuff I can borrow?