2006-12-31 -
Adapt-0.0.1 (2.8M) - Happy 2007, 802.1Q support
2007-01-03 -
Adapt-0.0.2 (4.0M) - Iptables added. The system now mounts read-write so it's quite usable.
The kernel supports all major filesystems so you can format, mount and chroot. There's a lot of tools on there,
put it on your HDD or USB-stick to find out. :)
# boot adapt-x.y.z (no need for any extra kernel arguments)
// Martin
Please update your Project Blog!
http://projects.powerdeveloper.org/proj ... roject=243
In the coming weeks the entire Projects site will become like a Blog Planet; projects and developers by category will be very visible rather than the Big List we have right now (now we have more active projects than proposed, it makes sense to change the focus of the site).
You noted on your blog you needed a 4-port ethernet card. Might I suggest one of these;
Gigabit or 10/100, take your pick on the features you want. It is a little costly but it is brand new, properly bridged, and should be fairly high performance (it's even possible we will support Via Rhine II/III (we already have a driver for Pegasos) and Realtek ethernet (I am fairly sure the RTL8129 10/100 DOES work..) from firmware too as they are popular, cheap cards and we have a lot of router/networking projects that would find it useful)
Great progress :D