And Ryan Air flies from Gothenburg to Frankfurt.. :P
Frankfurt is a nice city. I like it, alot.
Just a short test.
I took to RyanAir's website, and picked a flight on February 15th from Gothenberg to Frankfurt Hahn.
1 SEK for the ticket. 349 SEK taxes, fees and charges. That is not to add on the bus journey into Frankfurt, etc. (3 Euro I think, drops you at the main trainstation, the bus is every 2 hours and takes 90 minutes) and all the hassle RyanAir will put you through. I make that $50 almost exactly.
The same flight through Expedia.com - a nonstop flight from Gothenburh to Frankfurt's major international airport right in the middle of the city, is $109.99. The train journey into Frankfurt city costs another 3 Euro and takes almost exactly 9 minutes (I did that trip a few times in the last weeks :).
So, it is double the cost, but wouldn't you rather fly with Lufthansa and KNOW that all you spent was $100, that your flight would not be cancelled because the staff took too long on their smoking break, that your seat wasn't puked on by the previous passenger and not cleaned properly (mm.. good memories of RyanAir here), that you did not have to get a bus 2 hours prior to your checkin just to make the flight on time, and myriad other horror stories?