this thread you can read that there could be a potential production run of a faster 7447A upgrade card for the Pegasos 2, but only if interest is high enough:
b. There may be a 7447A card upgrade. We *have* made a few. They work. The issue is simply supply and demand. Send us an email if you would upgrade one for 200 Euros. That is about what it costs to make. This would simply be a _take care of you users_ gesture. We would do it if there are enough of you. You will pay for the shipping! It does not make any sense to do this with the 7448. We have explained this before.
But the interest seems to be moot? I mailed them yesterday, and here is the reply I got:
Hi Stefan, you are #4.
That was just to let you know the response level.
Are you people really not interested in an upgraded and faster Pegasos? Four interested people in two days? Must be because of people doesn't know about it?
The word about this must be spread, and if this is really a serious offer from Genesi, maybe they should do some effort in marketing this opportunity themselves?
Anyway, if you are interested, mail bbrv at genesi-usa dot com.