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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 4:35 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 50
I dont know how, but on my Pegasos II running Dapper I can no longer edit my boot menu on hda1. When I mount it and open "menu" to add an entry all seems well up to the point I try to save. It tells me its a read only drive and I have to abort. Any idea on how I can get it working again?

To mount it I've typed sudo mount /dev/hda1 /mnt

I've also tried mount /dev/hda1 /mnt -o rw with no luck. Doing a fsck hda1 comes back fine too with no errors.

 Post subject: sudo !?
PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 9:20 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:43 am
Posts: 20
Location: Cologne
Hi, i do not know if i can really help because i did not use Dapper but it could be the sudo. I stopped sudoing anything years ago. It's just that sudo shows strange behaviour on some linux flavours. So what you can really do on Dapper with sudo can be very different from what i can do with sudo on Fedora or Gentoo.
Translated in human english this means perhaps you should try mounting with "su", do all there is to do from the "su", save your changes and then exit the "su". There are "better" solutions but if you are in search for a fast solution this could be it.

best wishes,

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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:26 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 269
Location: Los Angeles

Interesting.. you know with Ubuntu in the shell i tried su - and it wont take my password??? sudo works though.. weird

Acill: fyi "su" is "super-user" and your problem does appear to be a "priviledge" problem. Its not allowing you to write to it because you dont' have priveldges as super user


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PostPosted: Mon Jul 03, 2006 10:59 pm 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:43 am
Posts: 20
Location: Cologne
O.K. as said i stopped using "sudo" a long time ago. but as far i can tell from here;: sudo is sudo is sudo ! :D

If he is able to mount the partition from sudo then he is able to do anything from sudo !? It just depends on what sudo accepts to be anything !
Your being not able to make Ubuntu accept your password is based on the fact that your user was not made a "sudoer" !?

1. Never ever mount anything on "/mnt" directly ! Never ever ! ! !
That's bad ! mKay ? :D Use "/mnt/$ANYTHING_HERE" instead
2. Bad syntax, try adding the boot partition to your fstab with the "noauto" and perhaps the "users" option.
3. try to edit the config file with editors like "nano". to avoid any problems arising from graphical-tools use.

If it still does not work buy yourself a punching ball and wait for advanced help from people knowing Dapper !? :?

best wishes,

P.S.: this does not mean i am not willing to try to help, but i do not know if you really have the time discussing this problem any longer !?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 4:41 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 54
Location: Gothenburg

I do not fully get exact what the problem You get are.

Remember everything in Linux is about owner. A user who not are the owner of a file, window or what it is, dont have the right to change or do anything in this window or on a specified file not owner of.

When You mount a partition using sudo, the owner of that mount point will normally be root. And eventually also all it contains.

If lets say you now do run Nautilus from the desktop menu entry, the owner of that Nautilus window will be the user who started it. Means the user are only allowed to edit, create or what the user would like to do as that user from within that window. If you want to run Nautilus with root privilegie you need to issue Nautilus using sudo from a terminal window, and give Your password when requested.

Maybe some help ?


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:24 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 50
O.K. as said i stopped using "sudo" a long time ago. but as far i can tell from here;: sudo is sudo is sudo ! :D

If he is able to mount the partition from sudo then he is able to do anything from sudo !? It just depends on what sudo accepts to be anything !
Your being not able to make Ubuntu accept your password is based on the fact that your user was not made a "sudoer" !?

1. Never ever mount anything on "/mnt" directly ! Never ever ! ! !
That's bad ! mKay ? :D Use "/mnt/$ANYTHING_HERE" instead
2. Bad syntax, try adding the boot partition to your fstab with the "noauto" and perhaps the "users" option.
3. try to edit the config file with editors like "nano". to avoid any problems arising from graphical-tools use.

If it still does not work buy yourself a punching ball and wait for advanced help from people knowing Dapper !? :?

best wishes,

P.S.: this does not mean i am not willing to try to help, but i do not know if you really have the time discussing this problem any longer !?

Man I am a noob here, you totaly lost me on all this. I've been doing it and now it wont work which is the strange part. How can I get hda1 to mount all the time and show me a drive icon. That would be a nice help.

If you can reword what yo typed here for me I can try it. Just do it for someone that has never done this sort of stuff in linux. Nano seemed to do the trick too so thanks for that. gedit must be giving me problems now or something is all.

Last edited by Acill on Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:03 am, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject: O.K.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:43 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:43 am
Posts: 20
Location: Cologne
O.K. mon ami. I need the following from you.

1. your partitions listed
2. a short explanation behind every entry describing the partitions mountpoint.
3. in spoecial case hda1 i need to know what it is used for. i bet on boot-partition with grub or anything like that on it.
4. a copy of your actual fstab (there are little differences in fstab syntax between fedora, gentoo and debian (which unbuntu ist based on))

At the end of the day we will have either a proper configuration or ... ;-)


P.S.: i bet on the proper configuration. the ";-)" was only a joke.

 Post subject: Re: O.K.
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 6:14 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 50
O.K. mon ami. I need the following from you.

1. your partitions listed
2. a short explanation behind every entry describing the partitions mountpoint.
3. in spoecial case hda1 i need to know what it is used for. i bet on boot-partition with grub or anything like that on it.
4. a copy of your actual fstab (there are little differences in fstab syntax between fedora, gentoo and debian (which unbuntu ist based on))

At the end of the day we will have either a proper configuration or ... ;-)


P.S.: i bet on the proper configuration. the ";-)" was only a joke.
Thanks for all the help, its workinig great now.

 Post subject: ?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 8:47 am 

Joined: Thu Feb 02, 2006 9:43 am
Posts: 20
Location: Cologne
Nothing to thank for i did not do anyting.


P.S.: I must be a magician did not say anything but earned a thank. :D Or am i a politician ?

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:09 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 269
Location: Los Angeles

You are learning *nix though and it gets more fun the more you know! :P

BTW this "fstab" we are referring to shows all your mounted devices/volumes to get there open a shell and you can find it with:

1. cd /
2. cd /etc
3. sudo gedit fstab (since you like sudo and gedit so much)


This will show you all your mounted stuff. I'm guessing "fstab" is something like "File System Table" or something..


ps: you can learn tons from the included Ubuntu docs that are on your local harddrive ("home") go into /home and look at /examples there are nice HTML docs you can read that give you a walk trhough of ubuntu basics. Have fun.

 Post subject: Re: ?
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:32 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 50
Nothing to thank for i did not do anyting.


P.S.: I must be a magician did not say anything but earned a thank. :D Or am i a politician ?
Well you did by getting me thing in a direction i wouldnt have known to go. So I thank you for that.

Oh and i have given up on gedit, its crap. nano is a lot better it seems. Gedit was the source of the problem I think in the first place.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:37 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 269
Location: Los Angeles

well "nano" is crap too, learn "vi"


btw come on irc to chat


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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 12:45 pm 

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I am attempting to find a public working chi:irc site that will let me, i'm at work and the firewall wont allow iRc cients to work. Know of any?

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 5:21 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
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Location: Secure Networks / Sweden
SU is removed from Ubuntu, just like OS X. If you want to SU you must
type 'sudo su' and type in the password. Then you can su.

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PostPosted: Tue Jul 04, 2006 7:27 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 269
Location: Los Angeles

Interesting info. Rather lame I might add :wink:


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