Hi !
At last, I have a booting gentoo with gnome, kde and all basic stuff !
It's not finished, but I'm happy because it took me a very long time and I want to thank everybody who have helped (Pieter, nixnut, lu_zero, frostwork, bugzilla...
MythTV & ivtv (0.4.2) drivers are now installed.
I still have to plug in my Hauppauge PVR 350 and configure it... (I did it on x86/Ubuntu... Hope it will be almost the same).
As you know, I plan to make a Home media center tutorial in the Pegasos book if it successes (based on Pieter's one)
But I still have a few issues anyway :
- lirc can't merge (but I'm not sure it's needed as my remote control is a Hauppauge and I have a IR sensor plugged at the back of this board) ??? Is it ?
- splashutils can't merge too but it's not important right now (error with "klibc") - edited : it works with 2.6.16 kernel.
I also have other issues with Eclipse SDK and OpenOffice already listed in
Working with Gentoo on PPCZone.org.
Note also that I tried to use Xorgautoconfig to build a xorg.conf.
But startx was not working with that so I copied/paste my Ubuntu xorg.conf and it finally worked.
So, X is working, but I would like to know how to make that clean for the tutorial.
Thank you again for support and helping a gentoo-newbie.