Hello everyone !
I'm getting almost mad with gentoo !
On almost every emerge I have a problem.
I'm working on it since two weeks and I still don't have a working system.
It's getting desperate !
So here all my current problems, if case you would have an idea on how to solve some of them (or all of them -- maybe by just telling me to stop using Gentoo ?) I would be really happy !
I'm starting to think that this Linux is really not for me.
I've tried to post some of my problems on Gentoo forums but nobody ever answers and it seems that many people have difficulties with it
"emerge gnome" gives :
tmsg = unicode(tmsg, self._charset)
LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding
I've open/continued many threads about this. The most complete details are here :
->Compiling fileroller errors out - prevents install of GNOME :
->emerge gnome-panel wierdness :
"emerge openoffice" gives :
ERROR: Could not register all components!
in function: create_services_rdb
Failed to install: at ./ooinstall line 120.
ERROR: app-office/openoffice-2.0.1-r1 failed.
emerge eclipse-sdk
fails on "xercesImpl" (xerces-2.7.1 package)
build errors such as :
[xjavac] symbol : class String
[xjavac] location: class org.apache.html.dom.HTMLElementImpl
[xjavac] public String getAttributeNS( String namespaceURI,
"emerge 3ddesktop" fails because there is no gl.h file on my system (but glut is installed) :
checking GL/gl.h usability... no
checking GL/gl.h presence... no
checking for GL/gl.h... no
So I've found something about it but I can't solve it with that :
->Error by merging 3ddesktop :
etc... and I have many more packages to add and nothing damn works
If someone could help that would be great because it's my second Gentoo installing trial and I think I'm going to give up
Note : is there a Pegasos PPC big snapshot for newbies like me that I could download somewhere ?