Hello everyone !
I've installed Suse 10.0 and I have problems with my PS/2 mouse (seems that kernel was updated during install...).
The mouse does not move at all.
But the mouse works very well, if plugged on USB (in fact it's an USB mouse plugged on a PS/2 slot of a KVM).
I do not have this problem with other Linux distribs (Ubuntu, YDL, Debian...).
Any idea on how to fix that after install ?
Use Alt+ctrl+F1 to change to a text console, log in as root, and run:
modprobe psmouse
This will solve your immediate problem. Then edit /etc/sysconfig/kernel and put
psmouse in the MODULES_LOADED_ON_BOOT variable, so it will be automagically loaded next time.
It's a SuSE specific problem (and probably an OF bug as well).