I figured it out, finally... It may be trivial, but in case someone else who's
not familiar with Efika runs into the same problem, here's a summary of what I
The image from
http://steubentech.com/~talon/Efika-MX/ ... ard.img.xz
was dd'ed to a SD card as described in
http://steubentech.com/~talon/Efika-MX/ ... README.txt
The SmartBook was booted using the SD card, and when up and running:
mkdir /tmp/mnt
mount -t ext4 /dev/sda2 /tmp/mnt
cp /tmp/mnt/etc/init.d/nis /tmp/mnt/etc/init.d/nis.bck
Then edit /tmp/mnt/init.d/nis such that 'exit 0' is the only command in it.
The SmartBook now boots from the internal flash and /etc/init.d/nis was restored
from /etc/init.d/nis.bck and NOT started at any boot-level:
chkconfig --level 2345 nis off
However, both nis and autofs can be started automatically by inserting
two lines in /etc/rc.local:
/usr/sbin/service nis start
/usr/sbin/service autofs start