The CPU shouldn't matter at all on video-playback.
With "CPU" I didn't *really* mean the "CPU core(s)" but rather the *chip* as a whole, since it's a one-chip solution, and I spoke of what it delivers as such.
But the Mali-GPU in Exynos 5 is supposed to do 1080p 60hz-playback with no problems.
Could be bad drivers, poor codec-support or something else.
Could indeed be immature drivers, poor codec support etc, or indeed HW bugs or other bottle necks in the silicon; it could be that they are rushing out a premature version of the CPU? Wouldn't exactly be the first time that happened in this industry. I have no idea, but the article was a little bit troublesome IMHO. Playing a 1080p stream at 1366 x 768 @ 30fps is one thing, playing it at 1920 x 1080 is a whole different matter, and when the article say
"if Google's presentation was any indication, however, performance diminishes rapidly [meaning: below 1366 x 768 @ 30fps] when pushed to a projector or external display" I think there is a reason to raise your eyebrow. But it's not released until Monday, so maybe the driver department is working overtime this weekend...? ;-)
I'm sure there will be plenty of reviews of the released end-user product after its release. We should know more in a couple of days.