I have watched every links, these are fine, but not completely finished for the purpose to be the main OS of my Efika MX, I will check their progresses...
Ubuntu is the pre-installed OS of Efika MX, so there are scheduled other updates?
Becouse from Ubuntu 11.10 for arm in theory every package is compiled with Open GL ES support, for example.
I remember that was scheduled by Genesi to use a new kernel version , starting from Freescale BSP , over new Freescale source for the video driver , these if I have understood well are the needled software layer for upgrade to newer Ubuntu releases.
We are limited to the old Firefox and Chrome version for example, even if some one have published some trick how install them , doesn't work properly this trick.
Another limit is that the current Ubuntu arm version that use Efika Mx have some bug that limit the possibility to compile packages like qemu, scribus devel, etc...
I know that Genesi is involved in Linaro and have a strong software team so I believe that you have something under the wood for Efika mx iMX515 ...
Considering the issues with recent versions of Ubuntu (especially the performance of Unity), there probably won't be any official version of Ubuntu for the Efika.
Instead, have a look at these for OpenSuSe:
http://www.powerdeveloper.org/forums/vi ... hp?p=15799
Or Bodhi:
http://www.powerdeveloper.org/forums/vi ... hp?p=15740
Or just Debian (armHF support):
http://www.powerdeveloper.org/forums/vi ... hp?p=15792