Thanks for posting the link!
Short description of the video. I did it yesterday with an very very ancient version of Ubuntu on TO2 EfikaMX nettop hardware. I had the screen resolution of 1440x900 with old and rather slow version of framebuffer-based X11. This is the reason of slow icon and window redrawing - sorry for that!
I've started ARM nightly build version of AROS for linux platform, downloaded from
www.aros.org, unpacked and started with --fullscreen parameter. You may see how it starts between 0:05 and 0:07 second of the movie - yes, AROS hosted needs full two seconds to start.
Further I've tried several tools on AROS: Clock (0:13), SFSDefrag (0:24), ShowConfig (0:26) which shows that AROS is running on ARMv7 EfikaMX hardware, PCITool (0:32), AROS Install (0:35), HDToolBox (0:39). Since it's a hosted environment, these apps showed nothing usable, as they are meant more for native AROS variants. Nevertheless it was worth to start them, just to show that they look and behave properly - a clean indication that GUI stuff is working as expected, which is not always the case on new CPU ports of AROS.
Further I've started a ScreenGrabber tool (0:42), to make a screenshot of AROS screen. I set up the screenshot delay of two seconds, just in case someone complains the movie of AROS on ARM is fast forwarded ;). After the screenshot was done and saved to RamDisk, I've opened it with Multiview tool (1:05), resized multiview window and scrolled the viewed image a bit in both directions. As you may see it's a bit slow, it's due to the X11 performance of this very old version of linux. New releases of Ubuntu for EfikaMX are much faster here.
At 1:30 I've started the Opaque commodity - as you may see windows with desktop behind can be moved rather quickly. As soon as icons beneath are redrawn, it's slower - blame X11 again :)
1:40 - AboutAROS window is opened (an AROS video without it would be nearly useless) followed by early beta of "task manager" (1:44)
Last experience with AROS - System preferences (1:56) with demostration of changeable mouse pointer (2:06). At 2:41 I shut AROS down and it goes back to my ubuntu.
Further plans regarding AROS for EfikaMX include the Contrib package (140MB of different files, utilities and simple games, including gcc compiler for AROS). Next big stop is AROS native for EfikaMX nettop and smartbook.