Hi all,
Accompanied with Genesi's kind donation of 2x2TB disks to host debian-ports's archive, we now have an staging repository there for armhf (that is until it becomes an official and supported architecture and it moves to the actual Debian archive).
We also have a new armhf bootable 2GB SD card image here:
http://freevec.org/repository/images/ar ... ble.img.xz
After downloading the image and booting from it, you could add the new debian-ports repository at a higher priority by adding these lines to /etc/apt/sources.list _before_ the freevec repository:
http://ftp.debian-ports.org/debian/ unreleased main
http://ftp.debian-ports.org/debian/ unstable main
Eventually the freevec.org repository will be phased out, but for the time being it has to be also included at least until the packages have been moved to debian-ports.org.
Have fun and please let me know of any problems.
PS. There are some issues right now with vim, ie. it just crashes. I'll rebuild it with a new and patched compiler and I'll let you know.