Well, I figure it's always a good answer when you're using Debian. "Use Linux" is not productive when answering Windows questions, but "stop using software that's 3 years old" is really what you are looking for here.
Fix your facts. Debian Etch (current stable) was released less than a year ago. It was about as recent, as the Ubuntu release released the same month.
You do realise that Ubuntu was created for exactly this reason?
Do you realise that the Debian i'm using is more up to date than a 7.04 Ubuntu release (which is still in use by many people)? And do you realise, that when you need production stability, the older is better (more robust, mature)?
And again: My Linux experiences going back to nearly one and a half decade now. As you might be able to figure out, this simple fact provides a quite good foundation to decide perfectly well which Linux distribution fits my needs. (Side note: I'm using Ubuntu as well, on some other machines, for different purposes.) My question was about a Gnash binary for
THIS SPECIFIC version of Debian Linux/PPC. I am perfectly aware how it's possible to get the functionality itself in many other ways (like using another distro). I'm not interrested in what you suggest, i'm interrested in if you know a Gnash binary for the current stable release of Debian Linux. If you don't, then don't try to play the smartass, but instead please
SHUT UP. That's more productive. Thank you. (And feel free to moderate me, if you wanna play "power" games...)