Below is the new code of the glibc scalar cell memory copy routine. The prefetching might be of help for you.
For optimal performance I would recommend you
to prefetch the SRC 6 cache lines ahead
and to clear the DST 4 cache lines ahead.
#define r0 0
#define r3 3
#define r4 4
#define r5 5
#define r6 6
#define r7 7
#define r8 8
#define r9 9
#define r10 10
#define r11 11
#define r12 12
#define ZERO_AHEAD 4
/* memcpy routine optimized for CELL-BE-PPC v2.0
* The CELL PPC core has 1 integerunit and 1 load/store unit
* 1st level data cache = 32K
* 2nd level data cache = 512K
* 3rd level data cache = 0K
* With 3.2 GHz clockrate the latency to 2nd level cache is >36 clocks,
* latency to memory is >400 clocks
* To improve copy performance we need to prefetch source data
* far ahead to hide this latency
* For best performance instructionforms ending in "." like "andi."
* should be avoided as the are implemented in microcode on CELL.
* The below code is loop unrolled for the CELL cache line of 128 bytes
#include <sysdep.h>
#include <bp-sym.h>
#include <bp-asm.h>
EALIGN (BP_SYM (memcpy), 5, 0)
dcbt 0,r4 /* Prefetch ONE SRC cacheline */
cmpldi cr1,r5,16 /* is size < 16 ? */
mr r6,r3
blt+ cr1,.Lshortcopy
neg r8,r3 /* LS 3 bits = # bytes to 8-byte dest bdry */
clrldi r8,r8,64-4 /* aling to 16byte boundary */
sub r7,r4,r3
cmpldi cr0,r8,0
beq+ .Ldst_aligned
mtcrf 0x01,r8 /* put #bytes to boundary into cr7 */
subf r5,r8,r5
bf cr7*4+3,1f
lbzx r0,r7,r6 /* copy 1 byte */
stb r0,0(r6)
addi r6,r6,1
1: bf cr7*4+2,2f
lhzx r0,r7,r6 /* copy 2 byte */
sth r0,0(r6)
addi r6,r6,2
2: bf cr7*4+1,4f
lwzx r0,r7,r6 /* copy 4 byte */
stw r0,0(r6)
addi r6,r6,4
4: bf cr7*4+0,8f
ldx r0,r7,r6 /* copy 8 byte */
std r0,0(r6)
addi r6,r6,8
add r4,r7,r6
cmpdi cr5,r5,128-1
neg r7,r6
addi r6,r6,-8 /* prepare for stdu */
addi r4,r4,-8 /* prepare for ldu */
clrldi r7,r7,64-7 /* align to cacheline boundary */
ble+ cr5,.Llessthancacheline
cmpldi cr6,r7,0
subf r5,r7,r5
srdi r7,r7,4 /* divide size by 16 */
srdi r10,r5,7 /* number of cache lines to copy */
cmpldi r10,0
li r11,0 /* number cachelines to copy with prefetch */
beq .Lnocacheprefetch
li r12,128+8 /* prefetch distance*/
ble .Llessthanmaxprefetch
subi r11,r10,PREFETCH_AHEAD
mtctr r10
dcbt r12,r4
addi r12,r12,128
bdnz .LprefetchSRC
mtctr r7
cmpldi cr1,r5,128
clrldi r5,r5,64-7
beq cr6,.Lcachelinealigned /* */
ld r9,0x08(r4)
ldu r7,0x10(r4)
std r9,0x08(r6)
stdu r7,0x10(r6)
bdnz .Laligntocacheline
.Lcachelinealigned: /* copy while cache lines */
blt- cr1,.Llessthancacheline /* size <128 */
cmpdi r11,0
mtctr r11
beq- .Lendloop
li r11,128*ZERO_AHEAD +8 /* DCBZ dist */
.align 4
/* Copy whole cachelines, optimized by prefetching SRC cacheline */
.Lloop: /* Copy aligned body */
dcbt r12,r4 /* PREFETCH SOURCE some cache lines ahead*/
ld r9, 0x08(r4)
dcbz r11,r6
ld r7, 0x10(r4) /* 4 register stride copy */
ld r8, 0x18(r4) /* 4 are optimal to hide 1st level cache lantency*/
ld r0, 0x20(r4)
std r9, 0x08(r6)
std r7, 0x10(r6)
std r8, 0x18(r6)
std r0, 0x20(r6)
ld r9, 0x28(r4)
ld r7, 0x30(r4)
ld r8, 0x38(r4)
ld r0, 0x40(r4)
std r9, 0x28(r6)
std r7, 0x30(r6)
std r8, 0x38(r6)
std r0, 0x40(r6)
ld r9, 0x48(r4)
ld r7, 0x50(r4)
ld r8, 0x58(r4)
ld r0, 0x60(r4)
std r9, 0x48(r6)
std r7, 0x50(r6)
std r8, 0x58(r6)
std r0, 0x60(r6)
ld r9, 0x68(r4)
ld r7, 0x70(r4)
ld r8, 0x78(r4)
ldu r0, 0x80(r4)
std r9, 0x68(r6)
std r7, 0x70(r6)
std r8, 0x78(r6)
stdu r0, 0x80(r6)
bdnz .Lloop
cmpdi r10,0
sldi r10,r10,2 /* adjust from 128 to 32 byte stride */
beq- .Lendloop2
mtctr r10
.Lloop2: /* Copy aligned body */
ld r9, 0x08(r4)
ld r7, 0x10(r4)
ld r8, 0x18(r4)
ldu r0, 0x20(r4)
std r9, 0x08(r6)
std r7, 0x10(r6)
std r8, 0x18(r6)
stdu r0, 0x20(r6)
bdnz .Lloop2
.Llessthancacheline: /* less than cache to do ? */
cmpldi cr0,r5,16
srdi r7,r5,4 /* divide size by 16 */
blt- .Ldo_lt16
mtctr r7
ld r8,0x08(r4)
ldu r7,0x10(r4)
std r8,0x08(r6)
stdu r7,0x10(r6)
bdnz .Lcopy_remaining
.Ldo_lt16: /* less than 16 ? */
cmpldi cr0,r5,0 /* copy remaining bytes (0-15) */
beqlr+ /* no rest to copy */
addi r4,r4,8
addi r6,r6,8
.Lshortcopy: /* SIMPLE COPY to handle size =< 15 bytes */
mtcrf 0x01,r5
sub r7,r4,r6
bf- cr7*4+0,8f
ldx r0,r7,r6 /* copy 8 byte */
std r0,0(r6)
addi r6,r6,8
bf cr7*4+1,4f
lwzx r0,r7,r6 /* copy 4 byte */
stw r0,0(r6)
addi r6,r6,4
bf cr7*4+2,2f
lhzx r0,r7,r6 /* copy 2 byte */
sth r0,0(r6)
addi r6,r6,2
bf cr7*4+3,1f
lbzx r0,r7,r6 /* copy 1 byte */
stb r0,0(r6)
1: blr