Power Developer

What's happening @Gentoo ?
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Author:  SoundSquare [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 1:48 pm ]
Post subject:  What's happening @Gentoo ?

Interesting article from Distrowatch's newsletter :


what's happening at Gentoo ? It's a shame that such a good distro is being poisoned by its own devs'conflicts.
I sincerely hope things will be moving the right direction again soon. We need Gentoo. There's no other distro like this one.

Author:  JoseJX [ Mon Mar 12, 2007 7:44 pm ]
Post subject: 

Honestly? Most of that article is inflammatory at best. The "developer" that they highlight as being the reason for Daniel's departure was kicked out of the project in the past and no longer is part of the project. This discussion took place on a public mailing list to which he is still subscribed to.

The developer turnover that's mentioned at the end of the article couldn't be further from the truth, Gentoo is actually gaining developers according to the recruiters.

Feel free to take a look at the last flame war on the mailing list. There are only a few people actually taking part. Most Gentoo developers work on their packages and simply go about their work.

Sure, Gentoo has its problems, all distros do. But I certainly don't think all of the doom and gloom in that article is warranted or deserved. Gentoo is filled with great people who want to help make Gentoo a better distro. A few bad apples aren't going to stop that. :)

Author:  SoundSquare [ Tue Mar 13, 2007 12:48 am ]
Post subject: 

Thanks for your point of view JoseJX

Author:  bbrv [ Tue Mar 13, 2007 3:44 am ]
Post subject: 

In our opinion, Gentoo is the best well organized "big" GNU/Linux distribution there is. You can compile from source and the community is active and motivated. The end result of this story will be that the Gentoo Team realize they need to be aware of not only the "technology" perspective, but have more of the sensitivity required to maintain a solid public relations status as well. This whole story will be blown away like a bad smell. Go Gentoo!

R&B :)

P.S. And, the best "little" distribution would be Crux. :)

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