Power Developer

Debian armhf package
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Author:  slim_samu [ Fri Jan 03, 2014 8:43 am ]
Post subject:  Debian armhf package


I'm a long time EFIKA MX smartbook owner. I don't often have time to devote to the system due to various reasons.

My system is currently installed with UBUNTU 11.04 (Natty Nahrwal?), but I would like to move to a distro with all the bells and whistles as well as ARM HF. By all the bells and whistles I mean the ability to run XWindows, 3D acceleration, work sound, wireless, etc.

Is there an SD card image which I could use to install the system to meet this criteria? I'm open to using Debian, UBUNTU or OpenSUSE.

I've gone through the forums and I do see that there are Genesi ARMHF repos online, but I need to get the system initially installed with a newer release.

Thanks in advance and all the best for 2014!


Author:  ahmedammar [ Mon Jan 13, 2014 8:46 am ]
Post subject:  Re: Debian armhf package

The supported images are on the main page (http://www.powerdeveloper.org/platforms/efikamx/linux) and are Ubuntu Maverick based and do not use ARMHF. Those images have all the support for the i.MX51. The ARMHF work we did was on Debian and is mentioned in this thread (http://www.powerdeveloper.org/forums/vi ... ilit=armhf), that also has all the support for the i.MX51.

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