Hi everyone,
Again apologies for the delay, but we finally got the repository online!
The line you need to add to your sources.list is:
and just run apt-get update. A similar line will be provided for debian wheezy and ubuntu precise armhf systems soon.
UPDATE: As some users noted correctly, you will not be able to install packages before adding the genesi archive keyring first. You can do that with the following commands:
# wget
http://armhf.efikamx.com/pool/main/g/ge ... 03_all.deb
# dpkg -i genesi-archive-keyring_201203_all.deb
After that, you could either install packages manually on a case-by-case basis, or just pull everything via the imx-essential, imx-essential-dev meta-packages:
# apt-get -u install imx-essential
# apt-get -u install imx-essential-dev
Have in mind that imx-essential-dev pulls imx-essential anyway, but that's only useful for people that need the actual headers.
So, what does imx-essential pull:
* xserver-xorg-video-imx: that's the 2D imx-ng video driver
* imx-libc-neon: NEON optimized common glibc function replacements (memcpy, memset, etc).
* imx-udev-rules: udev rules for i.MX5
* imx-boot-scripts: performance tweaking init scripts for the EfikaMX systems
* imx-powermanagement-config: fix suspend/resume on the EfikaMX systems
* imx-sysctl-rules: sysctl rules for improved performance
* imx-pulseaudio-config: forces alsa to route through pulseaudio
* gstreamer0.10-fsl-mm-plugins: FSL gstreamer plugins
* gir1.2-gst-plugins-base-0.10 (= 0.10.36-1.1genesi1): patched gstreamer package to use the FSL plugins
* gstreamer0.10-plugins-base (= 0.10.36-1.1genesi1): same
* libegl1-imx: EGL 3D driver for i.MX515
* libgles1-imx: GLESv1 3D driver for i.MX515
* libgles2-imx: GLES2 3D driver for i.MX515
* libopenvg1-imx: OpenVG driver for i.MX515
It will also pull the following packages as dependencies:
* libkgsl-imx: interface library for the 2D/3D drivers and the kernel gpu module
* libc2d-z160-imx: C2D interface for the z160 unit
* libc2d-z430-imx: C2D interface for the z430 unit
* libipu: VPU kernel access library for i.MX5 processors
* libvpu: IPU kernel access library for i.MX5 processors
* libsahara: SAHARA2 Hardware Security Engine library for i.MX5 processors
After you install the packages, you *have* to give it an xorg.conf so that it can detect the imx driver -it doesn't at the moment, needs a patch in the Debian xserver package, working on that. Please use the following:
Section "Module"
Load "extmod"
Disable "dbe"
# Disable "glx"
Disable "dri"
Disable "dri2"
Section "Device"
Identifier "IMX"
Driver "imx"
Option "AccelMethod" "EXA"
Option "Backend" "Z160" # can be Z160/Z430
Option "Compositing" "off"
Option "XvBilinear" "on"
Option "XvDoubleBuffering" "off"
You could play with those values, we're working in an automated way to avoid the use of an xorg.conf, will probably happen in a next version, apologies for the inconvenience.
Also, the video playback uses the hardware decoder *only* via gstreamer so totem will work, but mplayer/vlc will not -yet. And it's likely you will find that some video streams do not work at all or cause instability issues. The majority of the streams I've fed to totem worked though.
Finally, have in mind that most of these packages pull imx-freescale-eula license package, which you
have to agree to, in order to properly install the packages. We will not support anyone that wants to try to install the packages without the EULA, people that would like to have the packages ported to another distro should also have that in mind.
That's about it, for any questions, please don't hesitate to ask!!