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PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 11:59 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:45 am
Posts: 28
Location: Czech Republic
Prave jsem doprekladal Efika Book 1.1 do cestiny, stáhnout si ji muzete zde:

Marek :-)

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Feb 21, 2007 4:02 pm 
That's great !

I will add a link to your page from ;-)

 Post subject: EFIKA BOOK IN CZECH
PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 11:17 am 

Joined: Tue Dec 26, 2006 10:45 am
Posts: 28
Location: Czech Republic
Hello, I'd like to make ourselves understood about links in EFIKA BOOK. This means, that some links: such as where to download installation files, howto, manual, where to buy efika, are linked to english or foreign websites. We provide a website, where you can download such files, kernel modules, translated linux howto, translated EFIKA BOOK, and we are an EFIKA reseller, too.
Could we switch certain links for localized ones ?

Thank you for your reaction, Marek.

Chtel bych se s tebou domluvit ohledne odkazu, ktere jsou v EFIKA BOOK. Jedna se o to, ze nektere odkazy napr. kde stahnout soubory, manualy, kde koupit efiku odkazuji na anglicke nebo jine cizojazycne stranky. Vetsinu souboru a prelozenych dokumentu mame uz my na nasi strance, navic jsme prodejci efiky. Muzeme urcite odkazy vymenit za lokalizovane ?

Diky za reakci, Marek.

 Post subject: Re: EFIKA BOOK IN CZECH
PostPosted: Thu Feb 22, 2007 2:34 pm 
Hello, I'd like to make ourselves understood about links in EFIKA BOOK. This means, that some links: such as where to download installation files, howto, manual, where to buy efika, are linked to english or foreign websites. We provide a website, where you can download such files, kernel modules, translated linux howto, translated EFIKA BOOK, and we are an EFIKA reseller, too.
Could we switch certain links for localized ones ?

Thank you for your reaction, Marek.
Yes of course. You can do *almost* what you want into your translated version. It's yours ;-)
The only thing I ask it at least to keep the links to and/or in your version.
As I said (and if you are OK), I'm going to put a link to your page and a copy of your Czech version on

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