I continure on setting up my efika mx box
i installed mysql and ruby on rails, using first apt-get but there is some problems with the debian package as usual with rails so i reinstalled rails via the gem installer (an apt-get style one).
Then i launch a web application on the port 3000
but when i try to connect to port 3000 the conection is refused. An nmap on my efika mx shows only two open ports 21 and 22.
Iptables does not seem to be installed.
did i forgot something to tune it up ?
Thanks for your answer.
Is UFW enabled and running? If so.. break a hole in it or disable it ("sudo service ufw stop"). If you are running a desktop you can use the GUI but otherwise you will have to go find the UFW manual (it's online, or man ufw).
It may be that the default setup for the firewall (or iptables) is that the 21 and 22 ports are opened by the packages installed (sshd and ftpd) when they get pulled in. As a non-packaged app nothing is opening the firewall port.