Power Developer

Understanding the EFIKA opportunity...
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Author:  bbrv [ Sun Sep 03, 2006 9:29 am ]
Post subject:  Understanding the EFIKA opportunity...

Hi Folks!

We have chatted online and met more than a few of you interested in the EFIKA over the last few months. As a baseline for discussion, we often reference the EFIKA Projects pages. The discussion always provided some feedback on the collective and collaborative effort. One key point that came from our discussion was that the development of a Center for activity, that included everything would be highly desirable. What would be everything was the question.

Our intent was to create/promote a unique offering by concentrating not just on the content or developer projects, but the whole support system that is made possible by the Internet itself. This would create a comparative advantage for the foundation as the solutions driving use and adoption _to the user-developers, companies and Governments_ were linked to the platform. Conveniently, Power.org itself began to understand that this approach applied to the Power Architecture technology as well as a platform (the EFIKA, based on what we have learned with the Pegasos). By providing all the tools -- not only the hardware, but the tools to not only develop content, but to manage and maintain the foundation on which it is delivered and adapted -- we could potentially provide (and be associated with) the ultimate empowerment for the user-developers, companies and the Governments in the information age: unencumbered and manageable information technology use, or said another way: freedom.

Our experience was that this could be effectively done using open source software, which is both free of cost and free in that it is modifiable. The net result being that both a content engine and open source software that supports the content perpetuates both, drives adoption of hardware and progressively in this way increases the democratization of information that the Internet has spawned (we needed to hook into that). Said another way, from a "Save the Planet" perspective: Our best hope is that with more education and with more communication between people and beyond their normal societal and cultural limits, we could help subdue ignorance and stimulate self-learners and self-do'ers to move the broader society forward.

Sounds great?! It is and it works. The trick is making it happen.

The best way to do this was to create a successful Pilot Project in the form of a single hardware platform, well-documented, and broadly supported - sort of like GNU/Linux itself but more than just an OS. The purpose being to both scale the Pilot into a business (as well as derivative/associated business) and as mentioned, create a template deployable throughout the world of potential use. The focus and desire is sustainability. A solid economic foundation breeds other benefit. Computing and the Internet have been shown to do that - even in emerging markets. The key is that this has to work as a business and not just as a passing situation stimulated and maintain by financial support. We have been working on this sort of thing a long time and in our opinion involving partners is the best way to achieve positive results. The more stake-holders involved in creation and execution, the more likely success will develop (did we mention the PowerProjectCenter?! :D ). In tandem, this broadens the credibility base of the effort, increases the opportunity to enlist more resources, and raises the awareness of the Project. As a matter of funding (for any one involved in the Center), the additional credibility factor always assists in the process of gaining solid financial support.

Building a template or standard procedure to carry success and lessons learned to other users-developers, companies and even countries extending the initiative and development is the key. This starts with the EFIKA and will be emulated time and time again on other Power-based platforms beginning with the OSW next.

Start here, run everywhere: Power is Pervasive!

R&B :D

P.S. With the foundation set, re-entry for the proprietary OS is now possible...;-)

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