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PostPosted: Sun Oct 08, 2006 4:56 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:47 pm
Posts: 7
Location: Northern WI
I have been trying to get MOLK installed on a PegII, and I am just not having any luck. When launched with 10.1 DVD (the only full install I have available) in the DVD drive, the tux logo scatter loads (the last few bits come up very slowly), the dvd light flickers constantly, and the console as a continous stream of lines that read:

read: scsi_cmd failed

The DVD drive works under Debian, which is how Debian got installed on this machine as well. It is on the secondary, slave channel (hdd).

The hd is primary master, and the third partion (hda3) is the intended partion to install on should I ever get that far. The important bits in start-misc are:

blkdev:/dev/hda3 -rw -force
blkdev:/dev/hdd -cd

I've seen others have used a DVD install. How can I check that it is not the disk is bad? Linux just claims unknown fs for any of the disks I have and I doubt they are all bad.

Any ideas? Any additional info someone might need to help me debug this installation?

Thanks in advance for any assistance,



dump from parted:

Pralloc = 0, Reserved = 2, blocksize = 1, root block at 311277
Disk geometry for /dev/hda: 0.000-156334.500 megabytes
Disk label type: amiga
Minor Start End Filesystem Name Flags
1 15.999 287.982 affs1 boot boot
2 287.982 4399.731 asfs hd0
3 4399.731 8191.500 ext2 dhx
4 12031.266 12983.207 ext2 dhx
5 12983.208 22518.625 ext2 dhx boot
6 22518.625 23470.567 linux-swap dhx

Dan Kilroy - Sales <>

Grasshopper LLC
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Mon Oct 09, 2006 1:07 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 297

When the tux-logo with the apple in hand already shows up, I think it might be possible that 10.1 install dvd
doesn't work with the used mol version(?).
Your settings seem to be ok, but you could try if setting "autoprobe_scsi: no" and/or commenting out "blkdev: /dev/hdd -cd" has some effect...
Maybe it was only a typo, but the blkdev lines have to be defined in mol/molrc.osx not in start-misc ...

Good luck so far!

PostPosted: Tue Oct 10, 2006 10:06 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:47 pm
Posts: 7
Location: Northern WI
When the tux-logo with the apple in hand already shows up, I think it might be possible that 10.1 install dvd doesn't work with the used mol version(?).
What version of mol does the latest molk include? I only know that the mol web site ( lists support for 10.1 to 10.3.3 (though I have seen others post that 10.4 works). I have newer releases, but they are all updates! I guess I should try and see what happens with an update DVD. I presume they won't work, but maybe I'll get some kind of Mac error dialog, which might tell us it is just the 10.1 DVD?
Your settings seem to be ok, but you could try if setting "autoprobe_scsi: no" and/or commenting out "blkdev: /dev/hdd -cd" has some effect...
Commenting out "blkdev: /dev/hdd -cd" causes it to fail with no cd drive found.
autoprobe_scsi: no doesn't change the results.
Maybe it was only a typo, but the blkdev lines have to be defined in mol/molrc.osx not in start-misc ...

Good luck so far!
Yes, it is in molrc.osx, not start-misc!

Can you tell me how to capture the boot output to console? I can't read it all to see if a relevant error is output.

Any other suggestions are welcome.


Dan Kilroy - Sales <>

Grasshopper LLC
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 12:43 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 297
I used mol-0.9.71_pre8 from gentoo's josejx - is outdated.
I don't know wether 10.1 works with it or not...
Commenting the startmol parameter in start-misc using
/bin/bash instead will drop you into a terminal.
There you can "dmesg" which tell's you about the boot process.
Maybe your dvd is simply not accepted as of scratches
or of an "uncompatible" dvd-drive.
Did you try an other drive?
under linux you'll have to mount mac-cds/dvds with the
"-t hfsplus" flag else they won't be recognized...
hfsplus has to be available from kernel-side of course.

 Post subject: Still no joy...
PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 11:04 am 

Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:47 pm
Posts: 7
Location: Northern WI
Well, still no luck. I did post this on the MOL yahoo mailing list. I'll post here if I get a solution over there.

I don't know if 10.1 works with mol-0.9.71_pre8, but when I tried to boot my 10.2 update I get the same "read: scsi_cmd failed" message. I know that doesn't mean much, but it might be helpful. I would have expected some other error?

Mounting the 10.1 DVD under Linux on the PegII works fine, and I can dump the entire directory structure. Any specific file(s) I could try copying from the DVD to make sure they are OK in case it is an error on that part of the disk? Or some way to do a check on the entire disk even under Linux using the same DVD drive?

dmesg did not provide much information. Everything appears to be ok, no errors that I saw that related to using the DVD. I did see a line:


and a little later:

hdd: ATAPI 40X DVD-ROM DVD-R CD-R/RW drive

Neither looks suspicious to me but I list them here for completeness.


Dan Kilroy - Sales <>

Grasshopper LLC
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 1:37 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 297
Do you have any "real" scsi devices in your peg?
Did you add --cdboot to the startmol line?
The scsi error is in the Mac-firmware or linux-terminal?
no other ideas atm... :(

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PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:23 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:47 pm
Posts: 7
Location: Northern WI
No scsi devices here. Just the 160gb IDE HD and the Pioneer IDE DVD.

I have been dropping into bash and starting by hand. If I start with "startmol -X" or "startmol -X --cdboot", it behaves the same. I figured that was because I don't have -boot after /dev/hda3 -rw -force and the installation DVD is in the drive.

I don't know what you mean by "is the scsi error in the Mac-firmware or linux-terminal"? After I startmol -X --cdboot, the screen switches to the scatter loaded tux hugging the apple log and the DVD starts a continous flash. If I press ctrl-alt-F1, it shows the linux console that has "read: scsi_cmd failed" displayed over and over and over... I've don't know if anything else is dumped to the terminal between the time I enter "startmol -X --cdboot" and the "read scsi_cmd failed" as I can't switch back quick enough to see anything else.


Dan Kilroy - Sales <>

Grasshopper LLC
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 2:54 pm 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 297
Argh, I'm slowly running out of ideas :(
would be nice if s.o. who uses molk can give some hints
(no joke... - I built molk but i don't use it...)

-which molk do you use? 0.7 hopefully

>I press ctrl-alt-F1

That is what I wanted to hear so forget the mac-firmware question ;)

somewhere in /var/log/ or /usr/local/var/log or similar
should be a mol.0.log which maybe can give more details...

No idea why your dvd-drives aren't initialized correctly :(
When in terminal you could try to mount your 10.1
or even a simple iso9660-cd just to make sure that this works...

 Post subject: Getting closer!
PostPosted: Wed Oct 11, 2006 8:54 pm 

Joined: Fri Feb 24, 2006 1:47 pm
Posts: 7
Location: Northern WI
Your suggestion to mount the cdrom was a good one. I learned two things. One, I get errors when I mount it by hand. I did it by mkdir /cdrom, then mount -t hfsplus -o ro /dev/hdd /cdrom.

The errors I get are:
hdd:cdrom_decode_status: status=0x51 {DriveReady SeekComplete Error }
hdd:cdrom_decode_status: error=0x40 {LastFailedSense=0x04}
ide:failed opcode was: unknown

This repeats 4 times. But I can then list the contents of the DVD! If I then issue "startmol -X --cdboot" it actually BOOTS! The installer starts up, and if I switch back to terminal, I don't see any of the read errors. It also finds hda3 (my partition set as -rw -force) in the terminal output.

However not all is good. When it gets to Select a destination, it shows a ghosted/read-only icon for MOL-Install (0 bytes) and Mac OS X Install CD (626 mb), but it does not list the hda3 partition.

I did try mounting the hda3 partition, but the terminal output showed it complained that it had to mount it read only since it was mounted in linux. So if it is getting mounted in startmol, why is it not getting listed in the installer? Do I need to use a specific file system or some other preprocess that I missed?

Any suggestions for this one (not to mention why I have to hand mount the drive???)

Thanks for your significant help. Anyone else is welcome to step in as well :-)


Dan Kilroy - Sales <>

Grasshopper LLC
PageStream DTP for Amiga, Linux, Macintosh, and Windows

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Thu Oct 12, 2006 12:38 am 

Joined: Fri Sep 24, 2004 1:39 am
Posts: 297
ok, a little progress that mounting it manually works,
though with errors.
Is your system-bus working correctly?
What do you have on /dev/hdc?
Can you replace the /dev/hdc device with your /dev/hdd device & try again?
The ghosted MOL-install disk is probably the mini-diskimage from mol containing the necessary mac-patches.
It might be possible that your hd doesn't show up as you have to format it 1st on Mac-side (there should be a disk-utility available from the menu -no idea if this is true for 10.1).
Don't mount the hd before starting mol!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Jan 10, 2007 1:19 pm 

Joined: Wed Feb 01, 2006 12:21 pm
Posts: 32
I know this is an old thread, but I'm curious about 10.0 and 10.1 support. I don't have copies of these, so they aren't tested with MOL before release. I wouldn't be surprised if there are issues. If you have 10.0 or 10.1, I'd like to hear from you! Please email me at josejx at gentoo dot org.


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