base level success has been attained by someone else not too long ago on this topic! ... e6a#p12830
A rootfs has been created and a boot script has been coded... I am actually working on this right now on an efika installing AUR packages... I have been sidetracked to installing AUR packages for the moment because I can not get X working for this device. I am unsure of what package is necessary to this respect. I was following the beginner's guide for installing Arch on a device starting with the post installation process and basically got stuck on the driver section. 'lspci' does not work, because it is not running, but I'm not sure if it should be... so, at tihs moment, I am at a standstill and can't move forward because I can't detect the GPU. If ANYONE has any insite on this, that would be great! I'm just looking to get X running on xterm at the moment... a DE/WM comes later... ... stallation