What - comparing to
that thread regarding Fedora Core 4 - do I have to do differently on OpenSUSE 10.0 to use the Java plugin for Firefox?
The IBM Java packet has been installed. Since the file libjavaplugin_oji.so didn't exist in the /opt/ibm/java2-ppc-50/jre/bin/ directory (and also nowhere else on the harddisk) after the installation, I copied it there manually from the IBM Java RPM.
After this, I moved on according to the
Mozilla FAQ, i.e. I created a symbolic link in the plugins directoy of the MozillaFirefox tree.
But still I'm getting just the "missing plugin" symbol when surfing e.g. to Javatester.org.
So what else do I have to do under SUSE to let Firefox use the Java plugin?