openSUSE 10.3 alpha2 arrived this week. Installation on my Pegasos was very problematic (just as in vmWare on my notebook). The installer crashed at various stages and could not continue. Finally I did a minimal install, and that worked, with just a minor, recoverable crash. I installed the missing applications later on.
The other part of the news is, that EFIKA patches by the Crux work (mostly) well with the SuSE kernel sources. So I recompiled it on my Pegasos by leaving all SuSE settings as is, except for adding EFIKA support. Then I copied over everything from this SuSE partition to my EFIKA and edited a few files:
/etc/fstab to reflect partitions on the EFIKA
/etc/inittab to enable the serial console (ttyPSC0 at 115200)
/etc/securettys to be able to log in using the serial console
/etc/udev/rules.d/30-net_persistent_names.rules to remove pegsos related entries
Then used 'yast2 lan' to remove Pegasos related entries and create a new entry for the on-board Ethernet.
BTW: if I did not mention until now: I'm writing this message on the EFIKA using openSUSE 10.3 alpha2. When not using a fancy window manager, Firefox starts and works quite quickly.
- investigate a few kernel problems (if they are specific to my kernel, or generic)
- make precompiled kernels available