Kernel module compiles and loads ok, but it appears it can't find any interfaces.
-- snip --
# cat /proc/pcan
*------------ PEAK-Systems CAN interfaces (
www.peak-system.com) -------------
*-------------------------- Release_20080220_n ----------------------------
*---------------- [mod] [isa] [pci] [dng] [par] [usb] [pcc] -----------------
*--------------------- 0 interfaces @ major 253 found -----------------------
*n -type- ndev --base-- irq --btr- --read-- --write- --irqs-- -errors- status
-- end snip --
How can I be sure that the forth snippet did it job?
It won't have done the whole job; the CAN controller is not set up at all, plus like I said; the stock Peak controller driver doesn't have support for the MPC52xx CAN bus.
There is a patch for Peak 3.17 in the Lite5200B BSP (look on the MPC5200B Documentation and Tools page, it's a 440MB download). For ease of use, I put them on Power Developer;
http://www.powerdeveloper.org/downloads ... iver.patch
http://www.powerdeveloper.org/downloads ... 5200.patch
These will use the snippet to find the device. However you need to enable the controller and set the Alternatives bits, too! This is all in the manual, and is easy to do as a Forth script in addition to the snippet.