Can you elaborate on the quality of the various tape-outs, for us not-so-well-versed in electronics design? Is TO1.1 expected to be full of bugs, since you say it's "useful for development"?
We cannot, I'm sorry. Simply the fact that TO1.1 only arrived after his video was made and TO1.2 is scheduled after they say they'll have a production run; we know the quantities and how difficult it is to secure samples, let alone production parts, and the claims they make are optimistic to say the very least.
I'm really itching to get my hands on a i.MX6 Quad, and I've been looking at baords like the
Sabre Lite from Boundary Devices. Are you saying that this is based on TO1.1, and is probably not useful as a production device? I had imagined using it as a server, but is it just too early to expect the i.MX6 series to be usable by end-users like me?
How many tape-outs does it usually take to make a satisfactory final product?
Define "production" - it is useful, but there are some bugs around in the SoC, most of which are either irrelevant to most users (it affects board designers or people doing tricky things with TrustZone etc. that Linux does not do) or are fixed in HW by this time, or are simply not implemented on SabreLite. You can get a rough overview of the kind of things that are INVARIABLY broken on every SoC on the planet by reading every SoC errata you can find; MX51, MX53, OMAP4.. a lot of them are in the ARM core, a lot of them are peripheral bugs longstanding or not worth fixing since most software already does it a different way.
Also, is the 2012 deadline for the Smartbook still what you're aiming for? What bout the new Smarttop, will that be 2012 as well?
No comment on in-development systems. Charbax will not be visiting until we have something ready for sale :)