Loving my Smartbook...
I searched for the most-used Android apps to see if I could replicate on the Smartbook. Here is the list:
http://www.androidguys.com/wp-content/u ... _users.png
I don't care about games, but everything else is worth attempting. Google maps, Gmail, Search, Facebook, and YouTube all work fine in the browser. Task Killer isn't necessary. Office tools are included (OpenOffice plus Citrix is just about all you need).
Oh, now we come to something interesting... Pandora radio. Pandora doesn't work in a browser on the Smartbook, plus using flash makes it a CPU pig. Even if it worked, you wouldn't be able to do anything else.
I found Pithos 0.3, a Gnome desktop Pandora client.
Installed using:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:kevin-mehall/pithos-daily
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install pithos
Works like a charm and didn't seem to break anything else.
Only thing else on the list that looks challenging is a bar code or QR code scanner/interpreter. Anybody have any suggestions for this one?
- Bradley Norris