new smartbook 3g running Maverick.
linux noob.
I am wanting to clone the ssd to an sd card. (and restore)
I assume that I should create a bootable usb stick and use it to store and restore the internal ssd to (and from) an sd card.
It looks like Remastersys might create the stick.
But alas I found no man page entry for it, and the command was not found in my path.
Given this build, what might be the proper approach for me to investigate?
Hi Terry,
You cannot boot from a USB stick on the Efika MX Smarttop or Smartbook as this relies on firmware support which is, as of yet, not implemented.
You may boot from an SD card and use a USB SD card adapter to put your "target" SD card into, however.
What you may do, and this is far easier than trying it yourself, is download the installer from the Platform Support links down on the front of this site's homepage.
If you have an SD card bigger than 2GB: awesome. Image the installer SD to it as per the instructions, eject and reinsert the card and then:
sudo parted /dev/mmcblk0
where the device name is your SD card. Use the command
mkpart primary 1700M 100%
.. and create yourself a second partition on the SD card. "quit" to exit parted, and you should be able to format your new partition with ..
mkfs.ext4 /dev/mmcblk0p3
Keeping the SD in the system, shutdown your Efika, and boot your system with it.
It will ask you if you want to trash the system: say "N" here and it will give you a console.
Log in as oem, with password oem.
sudo mount /dev/sda2 /mnt
sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt/boot
sudo mount /dev/mmcblk0p3 /media
cd mnt
sudo ~/maketarball /media gz
It will compress your entire system as a gzip file and place it on the 3rd partition of the SD card. You may take it off whenever you like, or you may simply go into the second partition of the card and note the directory "home/oem" which is where the installer runs from. There is a tar.xz file in here which is the original filesystem. Delete it. Copy your tar.gz file from the 3rd partition here. Edit "oem-installer" (I use nano for this) to change the filename to the one you just generated, and now you have an installable SD card which will copy everything back to the system exactly the way we install systems from scratch.
You will need a 2GB SD card at least, and if you only have a 2GB SD card you may use a USB stick with at least 1GB of space on it to mount as /media in place of the 3rd partition.
It's technical but there is no really cute GUI way of imaging a system right now, this is the method we use in-house.