I was told that the 8640 is a low-power binning of the 8641 die. It is not even an optimized design or different fab technology. It is identical in every way, coming from the same wafers. The chips in the 8640 bin just happened to use less electricity than those selected to be the 8641 on the same wafer.
I think there's a little difference; the MPC8640D represents the very final revisions of the MPC8641D which was better all round. Bin sorting plus *all* the stuff they did between the first tapeout and "Revision C" makes a lot of improvement.
All in all though it's more marketing than anything. It is an awesome chip; I'm proud to have one here. It beats the absolute crap out of most systems I've used just on processor performance (and it's only 1.5GHz).
I just can't think of a use for it anymore, and I quit trying to run SUSE on it when we got the i.MX boards in.. it will still, if I manage to get Debian installed perhaps, make a wicked awesome Scratchbox/OpenEmbedded compiler.. except for that fan. Which I can't find a replacement for. I need to keep my office door open so the wireless can get through it, and you can still hear it *outside*.. poor component choice on the part of the Freescale reference designers (it's a PWM fan too, why didn't they put a power management chip on there and scale the fan speed?)