Hi all.
Over here you can find a video showing my "Efika Media Centre":
http://www.cloudcity.tv/index.php?optio ... link&id=23
It's basically a project #338 set-up (
http://projects.powerdeveloper.org/project/efika/338) where the server is located upstairs, and the Efika is downstairs in the living room. The Efika itself has no storage. All the movies (and soon music) are on the server and streamed by the Efika over http.
Since I don't have Ethernet all over the house, and since I didn't want to bridge the upstairs and downstairs using wireless (waste of power), I installed a Powerline Ethernet adapter both upstairs and downstairs - so I can send the data over the 230V power lines instead.
Efika is displaying the video using a Radeon 9250 and DirectFB. It's not High Definition, but good enough for me...
A Nokia N800 is used as a "remote control", where I can see the DVD cover and a description of the movie (on a website, hosted on the server). Clicking the cover image starts the movie playback.
It works quite nicely :-)
Johan Dams, Genesi USA Inc.
Director, Software Engineering
Yep, I have a blog...