Hi Kevin, we have recently begun to support QNX on the EFIKA.
We are in the process of developing a package with QNX to support precisely this sort of request. In the meanwhile, it might be interesting for us to know if you are familiar with LabVIEW and the embedded design tools from National Instruments.
LabVIEW is a graphical programming language developed by National Instruments and introduced in 1986. Since then, it has become the standard for large test system development and instrument control. It has become National Instruments' flagship software product. They have sold to over 25,000 companies in 2006 alone ($660M), and no one industry makes up more than 10% of their revenue.
This broad-based market coverage has encouraged National Instruments to developed general purpose IP blocks like math and signal processing to make the development of these systems easier. In the last few years, they have started to recognize that many of the components that they have included to make LabVIEW a full programming language for test also has more general applicability, specifically, in the embedded design space.
In 2005, they released the first version of the LabVIEW Embedded Development Module which generates C Code from a LabVIEW diagram (LabVIEW otherwise has a native compiler which converts the graphical code directly to x86 machine code). This C Code is then passed through a 3rd party compiler and it is executed on the embedded target. Thus, if someone knows what they're doing, they can have LabVIEW up and running on a new platform with relative ease.
To address desires of their customers, they have started looking for an opportunity to create an OEM evaluation kit that would work with QNX on a board bundled with one of their USB data acquisition devices for those who wish to have analog I/O in their system. This system would work "out of the box" and the hope would be that this configuration would be what the OEM would use in their end product.
All this to tell you that the EFIKA is the newest platform to be a target. If you are interested in testing these tools please let us know and we may be able to get you more than a trail license.
We should say a BIG word of thanks for selecting the EFIKA as a focus for your educational endeavors. We think that is great and we will do what we can to support you!
Best regards,
R&B :-)